Website Design

Establishing a strong online brand is essential for sustainable, long-term development.

Over 20 organizations like yours have created their websites with Eremo.

Without a website, you miss out on all of this.

Having a platform with greater visibility and reach, facilitating communication with stakeholders

Increased credibility, conveying professionalism and seriousness to other institutions

Facilitating mechanisms to receive donations and demonstrate transparency.

Providing a tool to educate and raise awareness among your audience about your work and expertise.
Making it easier for interested individuals to sign up as volunteers or collaborate in other ways

Creating a point of contact with your communitythrough messages and newsletter subscriptions.

Service Process


Strategy and structure definition

Clarification of objectives, specific functions, and style to define the site's framework and pages.



Definition of each section and content of each page.


Website Design

With all content validated, we proceed to the complete design of the site.


Website Implementation

Once the design is confirmed, we move on to the live implementation of the website, which will be 100% self-manageable.



Use of tools and functions for the correct configuration of the site.


Final Delivery

Meeting with the organization's team to present the site.

Tell us about your project

Other Ways We Can Help with Your Website

Redesign of a site or a page

Monthly Maintenance

Creation of a Landing Page


1. How long does the entire process take?

While the duration of the project can vary depending on its scope and complexity, the process typically takes between 6 and 8 weeks from start to delivery.

2. If I don't have a domain or hosting, do you assist me?

Yes, at Eremo we can handle the purchase and proper configuration of these web services. However, the organization is responsible for covering the associated costs.

3. Once it's completed, who will update it?

Our websites are 100% self-administrable, allowing the organization to independently make necessary updates. Additionally, we offer a web maintenance and update plan to ensure ongoing security, functionality, and optimization.

4. Which platform will you use to develop the site?

We use Wordpress as the CMS and Divi as the visual builder.

5. Will my site appear in search engines? Will I know how many people visit?

Yes, we ensure your website is configured and linked with Google Analytics and Google Search Consolefor monitoring traffic and visitor statistics.

6. Do I need knowledge about websites to hire your services?

No! Prior knowledge is not required . We guide you through the process and show you everything you need. Our editor is completely visual, so what you see and edit is what will appear on the site.

7. Are there any "hidden" costs?

The cost of Eremo's service is one-time. However, hosting, domain, and associated costs are the responsibility of the organization annually.


We are a professional team dedicated exclusively to changing the world through our talents in communication, design, audiovisual production, and more.

Other Services


Corporate Video



Do you want to change the world?

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