Brand identity: let's discover the CORE

Let's work together to uncover the core values of your organization, those unique and irreplaceable elements that define its existence! Then, we'll effectively communicate your message.

18 organizations like yours made CORE with Eremo

Who is CORE for?

You can hire CORE if you haven't yet defined your brand identity, but also if you already have one and want to enhance it.

Let's define your brand identity together

Eremo means hermitage in Italian, where monks go to pray and find (or rediscover) their true identity and mission before venturing out into the world.

With that parallel in mind, we invite organizations to approach our hermitage, where we assist them in discovering their core values and what sets them apart. From there, we help them communicate their message effectively.

After a series of meetings and exercises, we deliver a final document that includes:

Mission and vision of the organization

Annual objectives and priorities

Brand positioning and key messages

Visual Identity

Service Process



Before starting the meetings, we immerse ourselves in the organization through the various points of contact that exist at the beginning of the process: website, social media, videos, institutional documents, and presentations.


Joint work sessions

Exercises and sharing between the organization's team and the Eremo team.


Research and initial development

We will begin working on the brand document and the visual design of the identity, based on all the information and raw material obtained in the previous phases.



We will review together the style boards and brand documents, the messages, the identity.


Delivery of the brand document
Final delivery of the brand's integrative DNA document.


Definition and design of applications to be used by the team with the defined identity.

Tell us about your project


1. How long does the entire process take?

While the duration of the project can vary depending on its scope and complexity, the process typically takes between 6 and 8 weeks from start to delivery.

2. Who should hire this service?

CORE is designed for any organization seeking clarity, impact, and to enhance actions through communication. If you feel that your messages lack identity or that your visual identity does not reflect who you are, if you have many points of contact but little impact or lack of priorities, CORE is for you.

3. What if I already have my mission and/or vision defined?

CORE is also for you. This work process is extremely useful for going beyond the written mission. We aim to gain clarity and focus, working as a team based on what your organization has already defined. We have conducted CORE for organizations with more than 10, 15, and 20 years of experience..

4. What do the deliverables include?

We deliver a brand DNA document that goes far beyond the uses and applications of visual identity. Additionally, we will define the final deliverables together with the organization's team, based on their specific needs. These can include, for example, business cards, social media templates, institutional presentation templates, merchandise, etc.

5. Do you include templates for my team?

If this is something the organization desires, it will be considered when preparing the budget. We can create templates using Adobe, Microsoft, Google, or Canva tools..


We are a professional team dedicated exclusively to changing the world through our talents in communication, design, audiovisual production, and more.

Other Services


Corporate Video



Do you want to change the world?

Let's work together