OSU Newman Center

The Newman Center is the Catholic campus ministry of Oregon State University. All of its energies are devoted to the evangelization of students, so that they may encounter Christ and begin to live for Him, with Him and like Him.

Winning the university for Christ is their goal, consequently forming the next generation of leaders. Their motto: "STUDENTS FOR CHRIST, CHRISTIANS FOR THE WORLD".

That's how we created the OSU Newman Center's annual report.

Project deliverables

  • Organization and planning
  • Conceptual identity
  • Editorial design
  • Photo editing
  • Digital optimization

The mission

Each year, OSU Newman Center sends its collaborators, partners, donors and families a report of its activities, achievements, testimonials and images that radiate the New Situation among students and within the community. Our mission was to create it.

The result

We designed the report from scratch, capturing the attractive and modern approach of the OSU Newman Center and renewing the aesthetics of the document. In addition to the printed version, we created an online version , along with a cname registration that allows personalized access and provides a complete experience.


The impact

Our process allowed us to complete the project in exactly one month, from the first meeting to the final delivery. 

The first challenge was to define together a new aesthetic style for the report. It had to be attractive, modern, easy to read and radiant. But, at the same time, it had to maintain a link with previous editions and the general style of the project.

At the same time, we had to consider that this document would be printed and sent to 500+ people. How will they read it? In what context? Who?

Certainly, it is not the same to design a report for a young reader on the bus as it is for an adult at home.

A first meeting between the two teams to get to know each other allowed us to quickly identify the work points and begin to devise the corresponding solutions.

The goal was to deliver the project in one month. From start to finish. To achieve this, we spent the first week designing and presenting three different visual proposals , while responding to the client's concerns and requests.

From that point on, in the second week we defined and adjusted the chosen identity, giving shape to the different pages that were going to be needed. During this time , the client was also in charge of collecting the material.

The third week was for the full design of the annuary, with texts, titles, images and corresponding graphic resources. After receiving feedback on the first version, in the fourth week we were able to deliver the complete Annual Report.